
Executive Committee

The administration of the Group and its operations are under the general jurisdiction of the Executive Committee which consists of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and no more than eight additional elected members, all of which are subject to periodic election / re-election.  This page gives a brief overview of each committee role, and identifies the current incumbents.  

All Committee members:

  • Shall participate in the strategic planning and operational management of the group.
  • Ensure the organisation complies with legislation.
  • All Committee members have the same legal responsibilities having overall legal responsibility for the charity.


Responsibility: Set priorities, steer discusions and give direction to decision-making.

Current Office Holder: Michael Redpath

Photo of Michael Redpath, Chair

Vice Chair

Responsibility:  Carry out the functions of the Chair in the Chair’s temporary absence and assist the Chair in the carrying out of his / her functions;

Current Office Holder: Chris Mann



Responsibility: Operate the day-to-day finances ensuring that proper financial records and procedures are maintained and that the charity remains financially viable. Advise the Committee about its financial duties and responsibilities.  

Office Holder: Lee Smith



Charity Secretary

Responsibility:  Ensure that the organisation complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations.

Current Office Holder: Simon Whitmore


Membership Secretary

Responsibility:  Develop an active, broad based membership and keep up-to-date records of membership;​

Current Office Holder: Rob Wilks



Fundraising Officer

Responsibility:Inspire new supporters to raise money, while maintaining and developing relationships with existing supporters.  Increasing funds raised by researching and targeting charitable trusts whose criteria match NBB’s aims and activities; 

Current Office Holder: Tiger Taylor


Hospital / NHS Liaison Officer

Responsibility:  Make and maintain contact with relevant managers in NHS Hospital Trusts and the NHSBT and other relevant bodies (for example the Great North Air Ambulance Service).  Determine likely demand and match this to likely availability of volunteers and other resources to negotiate and recommend contracts / service level agreements to Committee.

Current Office Holder: Sean Storey

photo of Sean Storey, NHS Liaison Officer at NBB

Rota Manager

Responsibility:  Maintain and develop a rota of volunteers with the required qualifications and experience to ride, drive OR act as shift controllers and to control rider, driver and controller deployment to ensure numbers on rotas are sufficient to undertake activities required by the group.  Act as main point of contact / 'Service Level Agreement Manager' with bodies supporting the riding, driving or controlling roles.

Current Office Holder: Ria Burnett


Publicity Officer

Responsibility:  Raise awareness of NBB and its work and to develop and maintain a stock of display materials

Current Office Holder: Kirsty Lawrence

photo of Kirsty Lawrence, Publicity Officer at NBB

ICT Officer

Responsibility: Develop and maintain a strategy for Information and Communication Technologies to facilitate the group’s objectives. Will develop, maintain and administer the ICT systems used by the Group having regard for legal liabilities, social responsibility and business continuity.

Current Office Holder: Alan Kinghorn

photo of AlanKinghorn, I C T Officer at NBB

Training Officer

Responsibility: Ensure all Northumbria Blood Bikes riders and drivers have the necessary skills and knowledge to undertake activities required by the group and to run regular training activities,

Current Office Holder: Paul Curran


Fleet Manager

Responsibility: Ensure sufficient appropriate vehicles are available to undertake activities required by the group.

Current Office Holder: Jason Cooper


Contacting the Committee

If you have a question for any member of our committee you can contact us by telephone on : 0191 364 3113 or use our contact page