volunteers week

Volunteers Week 2018

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

A quote from Helen Keller perfectly describes how the work of our volunteers’ enables our charity to operate: “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

As #VolunteersWeek comes to an end we would like to thank all of our dedicated volunteers, and their families, as without them we would be nothing.

If you’ve read our ‘Why I volunteer’ articles over the past 7 days and have been inspired to join our team please visit: www.northumbriabloodbikes.org.uk/support/volunteer


Why I volunteer by Lorna Woodward

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Why I volunteer…

Before Feb, 2017, I had never heard of Northumbria Blood Bikes, but I saw one of their vehicles parked on Ratcliffe Road in our village. So I asked the rider, Sam Quigley, what they did. He gave a brief résumé of their purpose and I was intrigued; mostly by the fact that they not only transport blood, but medical notes, samples, medical equipment and so much more.


Why I volunteer by Lee Smith

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Why I volunteer...

“I found out about the charity through Northumbria Advanced Motorcycles and joined in April 2016 as a rider and driver.

It can be tricky to fit volunteering into my daily life with 3 children under 10 and a busy professional life; however Northumbria Blood Bikes have a variety of shifts and roles available so there is always something that will fit with your work and family commitments.


Why I volunteer by Claire McGahan

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Why I volunteer…

“I heard about Northumbria Blood Bikes after I'd seen the bikes and cars at hospitals like the RVI. I choose to join at the end of last year as I was looking for a way to give back that was something a little different. I'm a driver but I sometimes help at fundraising events as well, standing with a change bucket!

I work shifts so volunteering for Northumbria Blood Bikes fits in around my work, although some months are better than others for it!


Why I volunteer by Derek Farrow

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Why I volunteer…

“I heard about Northumbria Blood Bikes from volunteer rider Adam Morris and joined in November 2016.

Many years ago my mother was diagnosed with cancer and was really ill, she was given blood transfusions which made her feel well for a while, after her passing I decided to donate my blood so others would feel well as repayment for my mother’s care.


Why I volunteer by Heather Amar

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Why I volunteer…

“I first heard about Northumbria Blood Bikes on Facebook. I decided join as a volunteer as my son had been treated for Leukaemia and had lots of blood transfusions, and I wanted to say ‘Thank You’ in a small way. I had originally joined as a fundraiser and now I help the charity’s Secretary with admin.

There are lots of events going on especially during the summer; it's easy to fit in with your day to day life. The best thing I've experienced since joining is the new friends I've made and supporting all the team’s runners in the Great North Run.


Why I volunteer by Frank Soulsby

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Why I volunteer…

“In August 2015 a friend messaged me the BBC news article. From here I joined Northumbria Blood Bikes but needed to gain my advanced bike test.

I joined as a volunteer following a close friend being diagnosed with cancer and seeing how much the NHS helped her and seeing how much the NHS were in need of help themselves.                                                                                     

I’m currently a rider and fundraiser. Mainly on weekend but will help where necessary and during holidays.


Why I volunteer by Mark Tanner

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Why I volunteer…

 “I first heard about Northumbria Blood Bikes at a Bike Show with a mate (David Richardson). Both of us ended up volunteering for NBB soon afterwards, can’t remember exactly, but early 2014 probably. I joined because I think the work is essential, I wanted to give something back, I wanted to meet interesting people, and I love riding - what’s not to love?

Mainly I’m a rider at the moment, although a bit of fundraising and I ought to be a driver too. I do find it difficult to fit in volunteering, if I am honest, but I do what I can and when I can.



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