Volunteer week day 3 - a day in the life of a coordinator

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Well, that was an altogether manic evening for Northumbria Blood Bikes – and not just for me manning the hospital hotline.
Top marks to Mark for covering the BoB run via bike, despite the bad weather. (He is absolutely soaked through, and just starting the Darlington leg of his journey!)

Mark also picked up two blood boxes from Cumbria as an urgent job for the Freeman, so North Rider Nathan was sent to the RVI to rendezvous with Mark. Meanwhile, another call came in for Hexham to North Tyneside, and we managed to get Mark to divert into Hexham to pick up the extra package. With both panniers full and two boxes on the back, Mark arrived at the RVI and gave Nathan the task of continuing on to both the Freeman and North Tyneside, while he went on to Darlington.

In the middle of all of this, the South rider, Ken, had a job from QEH to Sunderland which was interrupted half way through with another one from NHSBT to Darlington, so to save a journey back in the opposite direction, Ken combined both jobs so he could go to Sunderland & continue on to Darlington.

What was the result? Every hospital request was handled, no jobs rejected. They were all advised of the estimated delays and were agreeable to them, so no problems with late deliveries either. Three very wet, but very well respected volunteers… Thanks to all three of you for your co-ordinated efforts and willingness to double-up on jobs to ensure a smooth service was maintained!
