
Welcome to our fleet Ann Norma Seaman

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

Tonight our newest car enters operational duty and will be on its first ever shift helping to improve the healthcare journeys of those living in the North East. We welcome this vehicle and give our heartfelt gratitude to, the lady who made this possible, Ann Norma Seaman. We have named this vehicle in her memory and hope that knowing this vehicle will be used to help to save lives gives some comfort to those who knew and loved her.


Our heartfelt condolences

Kirsty Lawrence's picture

All the team at Northumbria Blood Bikes would like to express our heartfelt condolences to Nigel Tankard’s family and friends. Nigel was a keen biker and proud to volunteer with our charity. 

Nigel’s funeral will take place on Monday 18th December and we have the honour of escorting him on his final ride.



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