Northumbria Blood Bikes - Privacy statement v5

Northumbria Blood Bikes (NBB) Privacy Statement

This privacy notice covers all NBB volunteers, staff and volunteers of external organisations involved in the operation of NBB.

This notice relates to the personal data we collect and process about you during your involvement with NBB.

This outlines the data we collect, your rights, how we may use and protect your data.


On what lawful basis will NBB hold and process your personal data?


Legal Obligation

We have a legal obligation to hold and process personal data to ensure all legal requirements of the operation are met.  We need to ensure for example:

Riders and Drivers;

  • Entitled to Ride or Drive in the UK
  • Can be insured

Committee members or Trustees:

  • Legally eligible to be Trustee

We need to be able to respond to legal and legitimate requests for information from regulatory bodies and law enforcement officials as part of official requests which would require us to provide some or all of your personal information.

Legitimate interests

To perform its membership obligations with you.

To enable provision the service and to meet the aims and objectives of the charity



How does NBB collect personal information about you?

From information provided by you in your application to become a member of NBB.

From information provided by you when you apply to carry out specific roles with NBB, for example:

  • Driving
  • Riding
  • Committee or auxiliary roles

From sources such as the DVLA regarding licence checks carried out to ensure your continued entitlement to drive.

All vehicles are fitted with Tracking and Video recording devices that record data that can be used to identify the rider/driver.

What personal information may NBB collect about you?

  • Your contact details sufficient to enable communication with you regarding your role or the service.
  • Personal information regarding health and disabilities sufficient to make reasonable adjustments to enable your continued involvement.
  • Offending history, by means of a DBS check, to determine your eligibility for various roles with NBB.
  • Demographic, attendance and general narrative information sufficient to determine efficient operation of the service.
  • GPS: Speed, location
  • Internet Protocol Address (IP Address) 

We will generate new information about you obtained from, for example:

  • Riding or Driving Assessments
  • Reports created as a result of road accidents
  • Number of shifts completed
  • GPS data (Riders & Drivers)
    • Speed
    • Location
    • Driving standards
  • Data generated as a result of use of our online or computer-based applications


How may NBB use the personal information held about you?

To process your membership application and in general communication between you and NBB

To prove your identity

To confirm your eligibility to Drive/Ride in the UK

To respond to requests for information from regulatory bodies and law enforcement officials as part of official requests.

For our own internal processes to administer the operation of NBB, your roles within NBB and your continued membership.

To ensure the safety of all our volunteers and members of the public.

  • Recorded data may be used as evidence in any investigation, including disciplinary action. 
    See relavent CCTV & Vehicle Tracking policy

To ensure the continued security of information held by NBB

To recognise achievements of members by awarding Recognition Badges and to publish names and acheivement details on our website, viewable
only by NBB members and not to the public.
(If anyone does not wish their acheivements to be published, please contact the Ict Officer on and the details will be removed)

How does NBB keep your personal information safe?

NBB take several steps, both technical and procedural to prevent unauthorised access to your information.


How long will NBB keep your personal information?

NBB will only keep your information as long as necessary to comply with relevant law.

After the relevant period NBB will either:

  • Delete your personal information.
  • Archive the information to ensure it is not accessible.


Who may NBB share your personal information with?

To enable NBB to manage your membership and to verify your eligibility to work, drive or ride, we may share some or all of your personal information with the relevant authorities.

We do not share your personal information with any individual or organisation outside of Northumbria Blood Bikes other than where legally required to do so.

Depending on your role, we may routinely share your information with:

  • Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency (DVLA)
  • Charity Commission


Processing or storing your personal data outside of the UK.

Some of the services employed by NBB to store and process your personal information, whether electronically or otherwise may reside outside of the UK.  We will follow all relevant laws and regulations where applicable.


What are your rights in respect to your personal information?

You have the right to request correction of the information we hold about you.  If we hold incorrect information about you, and this has been shared with a 3rd party we will endeavour to communicate the corrected information.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you can make a ‘subject access request’ to access copies of your personal and supplementary information

You have the right to have your data erased, however under the Lawfull Basis on which we hold and process your data, we cannot remove all information that is required to be retained under our Legal Obligations.  Removal of all your personal data may mean that you will be unable to carry out all the duties required of membership.

You have the right to take any concerns about your personal data to the Information Commissioners Office. (ICO)


v5 - Northumbria Blood Bikes - October 2020